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Fable of the Fabrics (Original title)
Date: 1942 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

[Director]: John Halas, Joy Batchelor

Synopsis: Animated cinema advertisement for Lux with an old witch representing the age that attacks fabrics.

Advert, Animation

Date: 1941Country: United KingdomRelease type: TheatricalFormat: 35mm Film - Colour - Technicolor - SoundAspect ratio: 1.375:1Runtime: 5 mins 00 secs - Length: 600 FeetDialogue (original): English
Date: March 2017Country: United KingdomRelease type: InternetFormat: not specified - Colour - SoundRuntime: 7 mins Dialogue (original): EnglishDistributor: BFIPlayer

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(11)

Accessible materials to view(3)
Description: MP4MPEG-4 AVC - BFI identifier: N-132082
Status: Viewing - Digital file is accessible to view within BFI

Description: MP4 - LTO5MPEG-4 AVC - BFI identifier: N-525045
Status: Viewing - Digital file can be accessed on request

Description: MP4 - LTO5MPEG-4 AVC - BFI identifier: N-525045-2
Status: Viewing - Digital file can be accessed on request

Digital materials(9)
Description: MP4MPEG-4 AVC - BFI identifier: N-132082
Status: Viewing - Digital file is accessible to view within BFI

Description: DPX - LTO5BFI identifier: N-525123
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: DPX - LTO5BFI identifier: N-525123-2
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: WAV - LTO5BFI identifier: N-525208
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: WAV - LTO5BFI identifier: N-525208-2
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: MOV - LTO5ProRes 422 (HQ) - BFI identifier: N-524959
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: MOV - LTO5ProRes 422 (HQ) - BFI identifier: N-524959-2
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: MP4 - LTO5MPEG-4 AVC - BFI identifier: N-525045
Status: Viewing - Digital file can be accessed on request

Description: MP4 - LTO5MPEG-4 AVC - BFI identifier: N-525045-2
Status: Viewing - Digital file can be accessed on request

Film materials(2)
Description: 35mm Colour PositiveBase: NitrateSound: CombinedLength: 600 FeetStock date: 1942BFI identifier: C-52476
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved film

Description: 35mm Colour PositiveBase: NitrateSound: CombinedLength: 650 FeetStock date: 1945BFI identifier: C-52475
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved film